Sketchfab est un site d'hébergement et de lecture de fichiers 3D en ligne. Créé en 2012, ce dernier utilise la technologie WebGL sur n'importe quelle plateforme, sans technologie Flash. La société qui a créé Sketchfab a été lancée en France et est maintenant basée à Paris ainsi qu'à New York.
C4Dzone is one of the most visited and accessible site for MAXON Cinema4D worldwide users. C4Dzone supports 3D artists by offering a range of services as: galleries, support forums, plugins, free downloads. We are also the MAXON ATC (Authorised Training Center) for Italy country.
Arroway Textures produces high-quality digital textures for 3D rendering and real-time use. We believe that the best textures are those obtained directly from physical reality. We have therefore developed our own custom hard and software to capture much more information from natural materials than just color.
Price: Paying